Ariane Sims, Esq. Principal Attorney

Committed, But Not Married…? 5 Reasons Why Estate Planning is Vitally Important

Join me to learn why unmarried couples are at far greater risk — and how a thoughtfully crafted estate plan can prevent the unthinkable from ever happening.


Thursday | May 4 | 7:00 pm PT

Saturday | May 6 | 10:30 am PT

Unmarried partners are technically NOTHING to each other in the eyes of the law.

This is true, no matter how long they’ve been together or how many children they may share — which means that, in the event of one partner’s incapacity or death, the other could be: 

  • prevented from making crucial medical and legal decisions on their partner’s behalf;

  • locked out of bank accounts to pay living expenses;

  • forced to move out of their home;

  • precluded from seeing children they’ve been raising; 

  • and so many other tragic outcomes.

Join me to learn how a well-designed estate plan can ensure these things NEVER, EVER happen.